Stop. Close Your Eyes. Breathe. Feel what it's like to just be.

When was the last time you gave yourself a break? Stopped just to breathe and really feel it – all the way to your toes?

You might already be saying, “That’s great and all, but I have too much on my plate. You have no idea what it’s like in my shoes. I don’t have time to stop. And if I did, I might fall asleep.”  

Maybe you’re thinking, “That breathing stuff?” That’s for people trying to escape reality. I’m a go-getter. Achiever. I don’t slow down, never mind stop.” 

Sound familiar? It does to me. You see, I was both those people.  

I was running at the speed of light, smack in the middle of leading the technology transition through another corporate merger, when my husband suddenly died. My life came crashing down.  

Yet, after only 2 weeks I was back at it. I felt like the only thing I had left in my life was my drive to succeed. So I drove myself even harder.  

Finally my body couldn’t take the relentless pace and simply quit.  

What I didn’t know then is that happy people perform 30% better than unhappy people. I don’t mean those people who have a smile plastered on their face all the time, even when something terrible happens. I mean those whose joy set-point is higher than most.  

I didn’t know that the highest performers do what Brendon Bruchard calls “strive satisfied”. Are grateful for what they have, even as they strive for greater growth and meaning.  

That joy is a choice, and choosing it takes practice.  

I didn’t know. I kept waiting for joy to find me. For circumstances to deliver it. And they never did.  

Research done by positive psychologists and performance experts have found the same thing – joy and happiness promote success. Success doesn’t lead to joy. It only raises the bar still higher.  

I say it this way, “When you love the life you’ve got, you can create the life you love.”  

Does this come natural to me? No. As you’ve already seen, my nature is to work until I drop. Strive to be the best. Achieve at all costs. No, this is something I work at just like you. Because I realize my natural tendencies need a little – shall we say – tempering.  

Through study and practice, I’ve learned that just as I can focus on the one beautiful thing in the room to achieve calm, I can also focus on the beauty in my everyday life to experience joy. Even in the midst of difficulties. Especially then. I’ve found that it’s the regular use of these practices that enables me to thrive when the going gets tough.  

I’ve found that slowing down to breathe – to take a break – yields greater success than pushing myself to work faster and harder. I’ve learned that if left to my own devices, I’ll just keep going ‘til I drop. That I need regular habits to temper my extreme achievement gene. I need other people to help me. And I need to believe I’m worth it.  

If you’ve got the Achievement gene, the same is true for you. You’re successful, and at what price? Where’s the joy that’s supposed to be at the end of the rainbow? Can you keep that edge and still have joy?  

Yes you can. And I’ve created an online experience called Find Beauty in EVERYday to help you do just that.  

With the Find Beauty in EVERYday Online Experience you can breathe again. Even 5 minutes a day makes a big difference.

Here's what you get:

  • Regular practices to help you start and end your day 
  • A Journal to keep you focused 
  • A Facebook Group for mutual encouragement and challenge 
  • 30 days of 1-2 minute audio clips to help you establish a habit 
  • Short teaching segments for the busy achiever  

Let's face it. If this doesn't fit into your life, you won't do it.

You have too many demands already. Me too. 5-10 minutes is about all the time I’ve got to sandwich into my schedule, and sometimes I’m hard-pressed to find that. But when I see it making a difference, and this does, I’ll gladly carve out the time. 

You will too. You’ll see your life in a new way. Build habits of gratitude that help you choose joy. You’ll hear your body and heart talking for maybe the first time. You’ll become more grounded – so you can fly. You’ll love the life you’ve got so you can create the life you love.  

What Find Beauty in EVERYday Delivers

Right-Now Joy - as you practice noticing the small wondrous moments, you’ll experience gratitude and joy

Focus and Flow – as you tune out distractions, you’ll focus on and accomplish what’s most important – to you

Growth - positive psychology will help you develop a growth mindset, which leads to significant personal and professional success 

You've Got This

Maybe you’re tried other programs – you know - the ones that promise instant results. Or ask you to go to Tibet and meditate all day. Well, there’s no such thing as instant results. And if you’re anything like me, you can’t afford to just chuck your life and “find yourself” in an exotic country.  

But you CAN make small changes that form the foundation of a joy-filled and meaningful life. It’s just hard to do by yourself. It’s so easy to get discouraged when you fall down. Get derailed by others’ negativity or life choices. Your great start turns into another failed attempt and you wonder, “Is there something wrong with me?” Nope.

It's possible to succeed as you never have before. You can be vibrant. Energized. Thrive in difficult times. Experience miraculous moments. Set a positive course for the future. Fall in love with your life again. 

How? By buying Find Beauty in EVERYday and putting the teaching into practice.  

Why not start today? You can buy Find Beauty in EVERYday for only $69.

And we'll cheerfully refund your money for up to 14 days if you don't absolutely love it.

What Others Are Saying 

"Beauty in EVERYday has energized and blessed me over the past 30 days! Thank you for the work and energy you put out in an effort to point our greater community toward mindfulness in all we do, and to grow magnificently into the persons we dream to be." --Janet G

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